The day has arrived for us to reopen! We have missed seeing you all and are beyond excited to share our new space. It has been nearly four months and nothing could have prepared us for the news of the pandemic restrictions. However, we grabbed onto every little bit of...
Why your spine needs to move. Think of the structure of your spine as if it has the mobility of a slinky (the toy), and the pliability of plasticine. Joseph Pilates is quoted as saying “you are only as young as your spine is flexible”. Your spine is the centre of your...
My personal ideas and opinions Several people have asked me to share some ideas and opinions about our current situation during the world Pandemic of COVID – 19. I love to write, not professing to be particularly brilliant at it; however if I bring a ripple of solace...
The knee is a hinge joint but we tend to ask so much more of it than it is bio mechanically made for. As a hinge joint it is meant to flex and extend however we accidentally ask it to twist and turn when we develop poor posture or have an unforeseen trip up a stair,...
Turn out is essential for dancers especially ballet and contemporary genres. Turn out is asking the ball and socket joint of the hip to externally rotate to its maximum potential and then place movement and load into that scenario. Therefore, the dancers not only need...
Our young rider here Bridget Garlick is 15 years old and has challenged range of motion in her spine through the coronal and transverse plane, (she finds it tricky to bend right and left and through rotation). As you work with your horse your spine is acting as an...